What is the best party drug?

Hey, so I'm curious as to what you guys consider the best party drug to use.

Now I do have a personal criteria though, not relevant for everyone;

1) it should be good for every kind of party whether it's a night at a bar, club, or a rave. 2) it should be something you can reasonably do once a week or once every 2 weeks without any severe damage. 3) it should have all the common desired effects like socialibility, euphoria, music enjoyment and so on (I personally priortize socialibility) 4) it should have as less of sloppiness as possible 5) it should have a decent comedown/aftereffects

The reason I ask this is because currently I just use alcohol, which isn't bad for the criteria above, but I just don't enjoy is thaat much so would love to hear your guys thoughts on better substances.