Anyone else's fever dreams abstract/indescribable?

So I've been recovering from a fairly nasty flu-like illness. Last night was the worst of it. I tend to have these bizarre dreams whenever I run a fever. Perhaps it's from the medication I take, could be the fever. Whatever it is, it makes my dreams... interesting. Does anyone else experience anything similar, when sick or otherwise?

For starters, I can hardly fall into a deep sleep when I have a fever. My "sleep" is more like a quasi-state somewhere between wakefulness and unconsciousness. I tend to dream of shapes, colors, familiar places and objects, people, and things. Sometimes I'll be doing something, interacting with someone, but it's always very foggy and I feel detatched. For example, I think I dreamt I was running, and I was surrounded by this cosmic blue light, while simultaneously I was half-awake and aware that I was in bed. But it's never coherent like an ordinary dream. I don't have an inner mental dialogue; I can't even think "thoughts" or words in the normal sense during these dreams. I would imagine that's how it is for someone whose never been able to speak might think, with just images and sensations. Like, I can't accurately articulate what I experience during these kinds of dreams...

And always during these "dreams," I'm anxious and dreadful about something unknown. This has been the norm whenever I get sick, even as a kid (it might help to mention that I've also suffered from "Alice in Wonderland Syndrome" many times when I was sick, particularly when I was younger. I would feel simultaneously large and small, I would see bright lights, hear things, and I felt detatched from reality, time, and from myself, and during these episodes I would often "sleepwalk" through the house until I felt normal again.)

Is this just me lol?