Líbrela side effects?

Hey all,

Just started my 13 yr old Aussie/cat should mix on líbrela a few days ago. Since late last night, he’s been vomiting. I’ve tried chicken and rice as well as just rice. He’s drinking water and still in good spirits. No other issue other than he stops playing or wakes up to vomit then acts like nothing happened. Has anyone else seen this kind of thing after their dogs’ injection? I know we can give them pepto, but I wanted to see if others had any input.

Edit: I found the remnants of a what was once a mostly empty chocolate ice cream pint. My boy has a super sensitive stomach and this is 100% the reason he was sick. I’m extremely grateful he just vomited and didn’t freaking die. The trash is inside a closet with the door normally closed fully to prevent things like this happening, but I guess food prep made us less diligent and he moves like a damn cat when he wants. Thank you to those who commented 🩵