DAE- Clap to the Rhythm of Lyrics, Not the Music?

Hey Reddit✌🏻,

Since I was a child, I've noticed that when I clap to music or tap my feet, I don’t follow the rhythm of the music itself but rather the rhythm of the lyrics and syllables. After discussing this with ChatGPT, it seems this "technique" might be quite unique. Here are the "rules" of my clapping "technique":

  1. Clap on Stressed Syllables: Clap on each stressed syllable of the lyrics, emphasizing the parts where the singer puts more stress or emphasis.

  2. Clap on Extended Words: For words that are elongated or held longer, clap multiple times to match the length of the syllable (e.g., "Fire" in the bridge of the example below).

  3. Clap at the Beginning of Words: Often clap at the start of syllables or words, especially when they are rhythmically highlighted.

  4. Exceptions:

    • Instrumental Sections: During instrumental passages or solos, follow the beat of the music rather than the lyrics.
  • Strong Rhythmic Emphasis: If the music has a strong rhythmic emphasis, clapping might align with the beat, even if normally focused on the lyrics.

Here’s an example of how I would clap to the first verse, bridge, and chorus of "Nightside of Siberia" by Powerwolf. Each clap is represented by a bracket:

[Verse 1] (F)ind (a) (T)rail (o)f (w)ar (a)nd (d)arkness
(I)n (t)he (n)ight (w)hen (t)hey (m)ade (u)s (a)ll (b)elieve
(O)n (t)he (w)ay (t)o (f)ate (a)nd (G)lo(r)i(a)
(A)nd (w(e (n)e(v)er (f)ound (r)e(t)reat
(C)urse (t)he (d)emons (i)n (t)he (f)ortress
(W)hen (t)o (f)ight (a)nd (t)o (f)orce (t)hem (o)n (t)heir (k)nees
(F)or (t)he (l)ord (w)e (p)ay (e)up(h)or(i)(a)
(L)ead a (l)ife, (t)oo (l)ate (t)o (f)lee

[Pre-Chorus] (F)i(r)e (b)e(f)ore (t)he (e)nemies (c)an (s)ee
(F)i(r)e (b)e(f)ore (t)he (m)ornin(g)
(F)i(r)e (w)ithout (a) (w)arning (y)ou (w)ill (b)leed
(T)onight (w)e (s)till (o)ur (n)eed

[Chorus] (N)ight(s)ide (o)f (s)i(b)er(i)(a), (S)i(b)er(i)(a)
(A)nd (t)he (m)ornin(g's) (f)ar
(N)ight(s)ide (o)f (S)i(b)er(i)(a), (S)i(b)er(i)(a)
(A)nd (t)he (m)ornin(g's) (f)ar

I’m curious if anyone else has experienced something similar. Otherwise, I thought I'd share how I do this because, as far as I’m aware, it’s quite unique.

TL;DR: I clap to music but not to the rhythm, but to the rhythm of the lyrics instead and shared how to do so. Is anyone else doing something similar?