Disgaea 6 - Endgame Item Points Farming Synopsis
I've been measuring the different rates I've been getting for the endgame item points farming - to completely maximize stats as high as possible. This is Endgame, meaning after Rakshasa Baal. This is necessary because completing Rakshasa Baal lets you upgrade items further.
Items are maximized using the Item World Guide's "Enhance Item" feature. You'll use the "Increase [Stat] A TON" where the subheading is "Increase [Stat] TOO MUCH!" and it costs 100,000,000 Item Points. Levels, Training Bonus, and Kill Bonus amount to almost nothing in comparison. It's still worth raising the item to max level (9999), getting the unique innocents, and increasing the rarity to Epic (Rarity 100), but after that, you'll want to move to a different item in the Item World
I've been leveling up Trapezohedrons and Neo Baal Swords exclusively. They have base stats in everything so they're easier to level up. The methodologies I used were exclusively Item World methods, and were set up to increase items while I was farming points at the same time. Both methods are based off of PrimalLiquid's videos, I highly recommend checking them out:
"Item World Fast" Farming - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYa77ZXRPUA "Item World War Lady" Farming (Second method) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qbyc_PeeNd4
The two methods I used will be called "Item World Fast" and "Item World War Lady". "Item World Fast" is the 1st video listed - you simply have thieves go through and steal from every chest. Use some killers (I recommend Teleport or a different flying Evility, you can get stuck behind a geo panel), put them in the skill squad with the 100% attack boost, give them some combo makers, and use the DI setup in the video.
"Item World War Lady" is the same as the 2nd video, make sure you have Treasure Hunter as the Evility AND as the uniques on the items. In my methodology, "Item World War Lady" is only effective once you've nearly maxed out ATK in a few items. It'll take you a long while to complete the setup, and as you're doing it, you'll gain enough or near enough Item Points to reach that amount. "Item World War Lady" is the ultimate goal, because it is significantly more effective than any other method. However, in these items, it takes a MASSIVE amount of a stat to work. You'll need 25+ trillion in ATK for this to work (I used 20* though, which may have been a mistake here). I use a slightly modified setup to Primalliquid's video, using Corpse Cannibal with level 9999 Full Strike. Additionally, you'll need lots of Stat% up Evilities, so Convert Force, Counter Contempter, Unstable Power, etc are all needed. You might be able to start using this method earlier if you use Lucky Board killer, because they're the real problem, or if you set up a DI that will attack Lucky Boards after killing everything else.
The setup will take you literally days. First, you need to get level 9999 in every item you can get while farming. This means every rank 39 weapon, all the last helms, accessories, and most importantly, consumable items. This will increase your item points by a TON. I set up my own "Item World Levels" DI which was very similar to "Item World Fast", but prioritized those characters getting level spheres. When using this, you'll have to check back every hour or so to make sure they didn't die. During the day, you'll use "Item World Levels" to farm up levels. Overnight, you'll use the "Item World Fast", which is more reliable.
To start with this, set up your inventory to have as few items as possible. Sell (for ITEM POINTS) every item you're not attached to, and lock every item you are. When you sell, you can just use the minus button to select all items, then scroll to Etc Items, select all (Don't sell your Mr. Gencys!), then sell all. Make sure in the Cheat Shop you have Auto Sell on and set to Points. Turn on all items except don't sell Rares and Legendaries. As you go into the high rank accessories, you'll get items that aren't the highest rank items, so you can safely ignore them. I recommend diving into a weapon to get all the items you'll be getting first, then locking one of each, so you know what items to get to level 9999. The items to maximize are:
- Fist: Ultimus
- Sword: True Yoshitsuna
- Spear: Flamberge
- Bow: Lovely Cupid
- Gun: Demiurge
- Axe: Mjolnir
- Staff: Almighty Staff
- Armor: Hades Helm
- Etc-Belt: Ubermensch
- Etc-Thruster: Vernier Thruster
- Etc-Orb: Chaos Orb
- Etc-Glasses: Destiny Lens
- Etc-Muscle: Star Muscle
- Etc-Emblem: Arcadia
- Item: Sundae
- Item: Mushroom Soup
In lower level items you'll also get some Somas and Eclairs but they're not worth leveling up because you'll get maybe 3 or 4 of them versus literally thousands of the other items.
Once you have 9999 in every item, the fun begins. Now, every item you get will sell for so much more.
There are 2 kinds of farming for each one - Overnight and "live". If you can check back every hour or so, you can clear a LOT more points.
Overnight Farming
There's a couple choices to be made here - Fast vs War Lady, and auto-sell Rares or not. Your inventory WILL fill to maximum overnight. Please note that these figures are approximate - your specific method can vary, and the items you get can vary.
Methodology | Autosell Rares | Item Points Gained | Notes |
Fast | No | 5.3 billion | |
Fast | Yes | 7.5 billion | Ran approx 12 hours, did not fill inventory |
War Lady | Yes | 9.2 billion | Ran approx 8 hours, did fill inventory |
Basically, the gist is that if you can't check in to sell and restart farming for about 8 or so hours, you should be auto-selling your Rare items. As expected, Wary Lady farming is far superior.
Live Farming
When you're farming live, you only need to auto-sell Common items. You can check back every hour or 2 hours depending on the method, so the comparison here is a lot more straightforward. Please note that these figures are approximate - your specific method can vary, and the items you get can vary. Additionally, I measured the approximate Stats gained and estimated the time it takes to maximize an item - this can be really inaccurate because of how stat boosts and enhancing item works, I'm not sure how linear it is. Points/hour is a much better measurement.
Item World Fast:
- 953 million points/hour
- 59 billion Stat points on the item per hour
- 371 billion Stat points on the character per hour
- Approx 16 hours to maximize a single Stat on an item
Item World Wary Lady:
- 3 billion points/hour
- 197 billion Stat points on the item per hour
- 1.2 trillion Stat points on the character per hour
- Approx 5 hours to maximize a single Stat on an item
- Need to check back in every 1 hour and 15 mins