The top digital marketing mistakes you don’t wanna make 🚨

Hey fellow marketers,

We’ve been in the digital marketing trenches for a while now, and some of the same mistakes often pop up time and again. So, we thought we’d share a quick list of the big ones we’ve noticed. Let us know if you’ve run into these or (gasp!) made them too.

1. Ignoring mobile users – seriously, if your site isn’t mobile-friendly by now, you’re losing a ton of traffic. Google’s mobile-first indexing isn’t new anymore!

2. Chasing every shiny trend – it’s tempting to jump on every new platform or strategy, but it’s better to focus on what actually works for your audience.

3. Skipping analytics – if you’re not looking at data to guide your decisions, you’re just guessing.

4. Content without strategy – blogging, social posts, or videos without a clear plan won’t get you results. It’s like throwing spaghetti at the wall.

5. Neglecting local SEO – especially for small businesses, not optimizing for local searches is a massive missed opportunity.

This list could go on forever, but these seem to trip up a lot of people. What’s a digital marketing mistake you’ve made or seen others make? Let’s learn from each other! 🙌