I am freaking out please help
I got my lower impacted wisdom tooth removed a week ago. I have stitches and because of extreme swelling, I couldn't open nor look at the area and i just recently looked at it and now I am freaking out. I actually took a look at it a few days ago and all I could see was a long suture at the very back almost like a bow but not. You know what I mean. And a few minutes ago i saw a knotted very long thing. At first I almost passed out because I thought they were veins but i took a closer look and nope there is no way they are veins and it seems like they are the sutures but they are kinda knotted if you know what I mean. And second of all between my cheek and gums again at the very back but not that much when i pull my cheek, i saw a yellow something, at first i thought it was food stuck there because that part was still swollen but sooo little swollen and maybe between my cheeck and gums food stuck there and when i pulled a little more i saw the same kind of dark purply black as the knotted ones in the back. First of all that is a really weird place to put a suture because that is nowhere near the surgical area and thats my damn cheek. Second of all is that possible that the strings they use for sutures may turn yellowish overtime because thats what i saw. Please help i am so worried my heart is still pounding i domt want anyhting bad to happen