Can anyone debunk these articles suggesting genomic integration of mRNA vaccines is possible?

Hello, not an anti-vaxxer, just would like someone who understands molecular biology and/or genomics to explain why the concerns in these papers aren't valid? I don't want what they claim or purport to be true at all, but it is frightening. I've had posts about this removed on various science subreddits and I'm super frustrated. The complete shutting out of any concerns over this only fuels people to turn to conspiracies when they really just wanted reasonable answers and reassurance.


Here's the links:

This article talks about how the possibility of mRNA reverse transcription and subsequent genomic integration is continually ignored without much actualy evidence that it isn't possible. It speaks about the biology of retrotransposition, and how integration may actually happen.

This article talks about the connection between various neurological disturbances and symptoms and the possible connection between the symptoms and possible mRNA integration. And yes, I know Peter McCullough is an author for this one, but just claiming that he spreads misinformation doesn't actually debunk the claims in the paper.