I think it’s interesting how not ‘anti-Snyder’ the Superman teaser is.
While a lot of people seem to feel very positive about the new Superman and how different it is to Snyder’s Superman, I think something worth pointing out is, it doesn’t feel like it exists in opposition to Snyder’s vision of Superman.
We can all think of movies that were made to course correct on a previous movie. Snyder’s movies were affected by it (especially with the Whedon JL), Star Wars has dealt with it, Spiderman has dealt with it. A lot of the time the course correction is done to ‘give the people what they want’, but it never really gives them what they want.
This is because, for example, people who didn’t like the dark vision Snyder had for Superman, didn’t just want the exact opposite. They wanted a sincere vision for Superman that was brighter.
Things from the trailer that spoke to that for me:
some predicted Superman would be all smiles, because god forbid this movie look like Man of Steel. But instead, Superman does look somber throughout most of the trailer.
Imagery like the child with the makeshift superman flag reminds me of imagery from BvS. That was a nice idea in BvS, we don’t need to do cats in trees just to avoid comparisons.
from what I’ve seen, no “what did you expect? Yellow spandex” digs at what came before.
not in the trailer itself, but I also appreciate Gunn saying Snyder work influenced his.
I’m not a fan of Snyder’s style, but I’d take his sincere vision over a committee made product. And this looks to me like a sincere vision, and personally, in a style I’m more into.