A devastating turn of events. Anyone have this experience?

I bought a decant of PDM Althair and absolutely loved it. Legitimately might be one of the best things I’ve ever smelled. Wouldn’t wear it as a daily, but addicted to it I can’t stop smelling it on my hand. Immediately bought a full bottle.

Anyway, sprayed it on my hand, walked downstairs and my wife said “wtf is that? That’s horrible, I can’t be near you. Please wash that off or go in the other room”. She says “might be the worst of all the stuff you’ve made me smell”.

Crushing. Devastating. I’m in love with this, can’t wear it around the house when I want my wife near, and have a full bottle in the mail.

Anyone ever have to dump something they loved because of partner or someone close? Should I just divorce my wife?

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