Does this sound like a PE in lungs??
So I am going to the ER. I just don’t know if they’ll do a scan on me. But I do want to point out that I am 33 weeks pregnant. 2 weeks ago I was brought by ambulance to the ER and they had suspected a blood clot and did a ct scan but saw nothing. The only thing was I wasn’t even experiencing pain or anything. Just shortness of breath. Also they had did my d-dimer and it was high so they thought I had one. ANYWAYS. On Monday I had gotten this sharp pain on my upper ribs on the side under my armpit. Only when bending though and breathing in. It went away but moved to my back. No shortness of breath. Just that weird sharp pain. Now the pain has changed to like a pinching pain. As if someone was pinching my lungs all over. Idk if I am immediately thinking this is a blood clot because of what happened two weeks ago and that gave me anxiety. But I honestly feel like I need to go to the ER. I keep trying to move on from the feeling but then it keeps coming back. I am just unsure it would be a blood clot because I don’t even have shortness of breath. Nor do I have the classic symptoms of a PE. So like idk. I’m probably just being a hypochondriac. But I’d rather be safe and just get it over with. Even for the ease of mind.