I waited till marriage and now I’m struggling with Sex
Hello, I am seeking out advice as I don’t know who else to go to and therapy is outside of our budget currently. I got married 6 months ago as a 25 year old woman. I waited till marriage to have sex. I never had the urge to have sex once and I figured once I got married sex would be incredible like in the movies. Unfortunately, I was crushed to find out I had a condition called Vaginismus that made sex very painful and impossible. Luckily, through physical therapy I was able to have sex with minimal to moderate pain most of the time and no pain sometimes. So, as you could imagine I did not like sex and of course my husband loves sex. I love him very much and would do anything to make him happy so I hardly ever deny him. It’s gotten to the point where I have minimal to no pain with sex, so I believe I’m mostly healed from Vaginismus. But what I’m struggling with is I don’t like sex! I don’t get horny, I don’t like the lubrication it grosses me out, everything about it is unpleasant and I find myself counting the seconds till it’s over. It’s not as painful anymore but highly uncomfortable. What makes me sad is I don’t know if I’m the only one who doesn’t like sex? The media makes it out that sex is so incredible that I feel so abnormal for disliking sex. Also, as Christian’s we never talk about how to prepare our engaged couples to go from having no sex at all to being expected to have sex all the time in marriage! That switch alone has felt very shocking to my body and I love my husband and feel attracted to him! But I feel so exhausted and having to have sex all the time in marriage scares me. I will continue to have sex with my husband since we are married but I genuinely feel terrible every time and I don’t know if I’m the only one. Does anyone have any advice?