Will taking him to court help?
My mother was sexually abused by her older brother from ages 7-12 he is around 6 years older than her and the abuse only stopped at 12, This caused my mum alot of trauma for a very long time and has stopped her from being in any kind of intimate relationship with a man along with trusting men and making her self esteem horrible my mum has sense healed but gets frustrated because he is living a happy care free life with no regret or remorse, my mum's family knows about this as she told them multiple times and has taken his side and have never mentioned it at all. He is now 60 and my mum 53, My mum definitely needs support but therapy is expensive here and she is unsure if taking it to court will help her or make it worse because she doesn't know if she could live with the fact she put her brother in jail and the fact he has a child and a wife he would be leaving. and my mum doesn't know if she'll feel any happier or better if he is in jail and it could make her family turn against her. (Her family are the only witnesses and might not testify against him)
Is there any way I could get support for my mother or help her myself to get through this?