Cat litter!
I have 2 cats, and they share a litter box due to my small living space.
How in the world can I contain the litter better??
Their litter box is inside a cabinet that I modified to hide it. It has a cardboard scratchy thing at the exit that I thought would catch the excess litter. There is even a litter mat to catch what the cardboard doesn’t catch. And a rug under that.
I still find litter all over my furniture, in my bed (I have to wash my sheets/bed clothes every other day due to this), all over the carpet, in my shoes, everywhere.
One of my cats is very asocial, so she is constantly walking in and out of the cabinet to hide, stepping and scratching around in the litter box and just dragging the crumbles everywhere. The occasional turd comes out with it.
I clean the litter box daily, vacuum up the litter, wipe everything down, shake the litter mat and rug. I am totally at a loss as to how to keep the litter contained. It is driving me absolutely mad because it’s gross and I cannot keep doing this.
I’ve had my cats for 8 years, so there is no giving them up. One of them is allergic to everything under the sun, and clay crumbly litter is the only viable option to not flare her allergies. I’ve tried pine, walnut, shredded paper, every other alternative. But the clay kind is the best kind that works for our situation.
I am constantly battling this litter issue, and it seems worse and worse by the day.
I hesitate to have visitors over bc I’m afraid they’ll see litter on the furniture, or kitchen table, or feel it in the carpet.
There is nothing wrong with either cat, they’ve been to the vet and he says “Well, it sounds like what you’re doing is working for you.” It’s not.
I want to pull my hair out every time I feel crumbly bits under my feet, or in my bed!