nearing a breakdown over my psychologist report

started therapy a year ago, a psychologist comes in very rarely to run assessments. today we read through her last report to see if i'm okay for it to get sent off to our governing counselling body here. i like to think i'm doing quite nicely. i'm straight A+'s, doing really well at school, looking into postgrad programs overseas. i've taken up a range of hobbies and am consistent with my appointments. everything i like about myself was totally ripped apart in her report. no strengths (yes, she said that) low effort dress (i wear well thought out outfits and get complimented all the time? dresses and pearls type) average intelligence, overweight, poor personal responsibility (apparently all because i still visit my mother who lives with the perpetrator and am therefore not being an adult by continuing to endanger myself)

i feel completely shattered and am nearing breaking point i think. she criticized everything i've been working on and enjoying in my life.

my usual therapist seemed pretty dumbfounded by the report and said to take it with a grain of salt but i'm really struggling. after years of torture these personal highs - my perceived brightness, my fashion, my assertiveness, all of my strengths, they made up the entirety of my personality. what am i without them?

the strengths hurt most of all. she said my only strength was coming to therapy and she doesn't even really count that because all of her patients do so. i could hardly reply. my therapist and i have been working on getting me to realise my strengths for MONTHS and now it all feels like a lie.

i'm so sorry if this is incoherent, i'm really all over the place and just wanted some support.

context: >! f19 sexually tortured for nine years by stepfather, raped almost every day starting at 4yo. !< (placed spoiler at the bottom so it doesn't show on the post thumbnail.)