I don't think I understand it

I don't understand this game. I'm used to playing apex. I tried out warzone 2 since it's a new game and I wanted something fresh. I played for a few hours and I kinda don't understand what I'm doing I guess?

I know it's a battle Royale but I don't understand positioning at all. The ttk feels whack even with the 3 armor plates. Feels kinda silly to die in about 3-5 shots. So I don't really understand how to take a fight

The load out system doesn't seem to make sense to me. I understand leveling weapons for attachments but I never have a loadout so I never see my gear. The buy stations from my experience are covered in campers so I never get to use them when I manage to have the money.

The footstep audio seems nonexistent most of the time. I can't even tell how close someone is because their steps either sounds ridiculously feint or just sound like random thus. Mix that in with air strikes being called in from a huge distance away and is like I can't hear anything. I might as well play without my headphones.

The color palette is kinda gross to me. Everything looks the same. There's barely any color. It's ugly imo. The graphics are fine, the colors are just kinda crap.

Gulag is...eh. the 2v2 is ok I guess, but I'm not a fan of the jailer coming after 30 seconds. Feels like it ruins the flow.

The lack of movement feels kinda clunky for me. Like i said, im coming from apex so I'm used to being able to climb, jump,slide, wall jump. In this you have a dolphin dive that doesn't seem too useful, a tac sprint that kinda goes nowhere since the player has 0 stamina, the slide is pathetic and doesn't keep momentum even when going down a slope. So i don't understand the movement.

The inventory...too slow, too clunky. I'd rather have a drag and drop system along with the "press button to drop"

I also don't understand the battlepass. I skipped the explanation but it didn't look like any other kind of pass I've seen. Although I don't plan on paying for it. Too many games want to be my number 1 in play time. But you know, I don't have enough time or money to juggle all these battlepasses

Tl;Dr: New to WZ2, explain how to play