Reached 10k and it’s full of Twinkles, Blizzards and Mollys as MVPs.

Game is too P2W, we know the devs won't nerf them because they're low-key bribing people who pay a gameplay advantage. I can win... but it's like Ichave to let one of those finish the kills whilst playing as the shot bait.

I propose from my pov:

Blizzard - Levi/Slayer can shoot her mines if using thermal vision. Also drones should trigger them.

Molly - Make it so teamhealing actually counters her and doesn't leave her on 1/4 health by reducing her stun time.

Twinkle - Slow down her main gun abit and as for her ability weapon make it so the projectile speed is as slow as docs/smogs rockets.

I'm not a pro and these are just my ideas anyway.