How do I handle mutual friends taking sides in a break up?
A fearful avoidant woman I was dating for 4 months ended things for a second time on Monday. I’m okay with it and it’s honestly it’s a relief.
However, I’ve noticed one mutual friend has stopped engaging with me in the group chat and in general. I know her and my ex both used to chat about our conflicts big or small. My ex also started throwing out some big accusations of me emotionally manipulating her by saying I’m upset with something she did which is me trying to manipulate her to feel bad. She also accused me of being controlling when I texted her to check if she was okay, why she left (I thought something might have happened) and if she was going back when she messaged me that she had left a nightclub event early.
Now I’m worried these things have been shared with this mutual friend, in fact I’m 99% sure they have and I dislike others having this opinion of me.
How do I handle this? I definitely don’t want to engage with her as it could make it worse.