Need some advice, at my lowest point.

Hey guys, I’m just writing for some advice or support or something at this point I genuinely don’t know what I want but just being able to talk to others and distract myself helps a little. My boyfriend just split after 7 years together, living together almost the entire time, and honestly spending every moment together that we could, we literally did everything together. He was my best and really only friend and 2 days ago while I was at work he packed up all his things with absolutely no warning and ran off with another girl. I feel so broken it’s hard to even breathe, I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, even trying to keep water down is too much at points I feel like I’m going to die. I know this seems ridiculous because I feel so stupid but we had our whole future planned out we were supposed to get married soon and had been talking about babies so much and trying to move into a new place, we even had a good morning together before I went to work that day. I just feel like I’m never going to get better, we were together since we were 17 and grew up together, everything I’ve done and all my memories and jokes are with him for the past almost 10 years. I just feel so lost and I just wanted some advice on where to start with the healing process, how to find meaning in other relationships maybe, I have no idea, I just want him. We were supposed to grow old together it’s just all so wrong. Every person I’m around I just want it to be him. Sorry for the rant I just literally have no one else to turn to, I appreciate whoever takes the time out of their day to read my pathetic spiel, thank you for the help in advance. ♥️