Unpopular Opinion: Habibi Bros did nothing wrong

Unpopular opinion: the habibi brothers did absolutely nothing wrong (even though their personalities are insufferable). Literally everyone on the show is being emotionally manipulative, playing mind games, grandstanding and virtue signaling, and being completely fake and hypocritical. The habibi bros were the only ones not hiding it or being fake about the reason they are there and what they are doing.

On a personal level I am glad that they lost because of their hubris and spitefulness, but I don't believe they deserve to be hated or faulted for the way they played the cube game in terms of actual strategy (or even their "heartlessness" about it). And that girl was just as insufferable as they were. Virtually everyone on the show is just as selfish and manipulative as the habibi brothers, they are just hiding it better and using emotionalism as a shield.