Wait to tell my conservative parents until we know it’s a healthy pregnancy?

I’m 5w+2d, my partner and I both feel very strongly about the right to choose in the event that there is a chromosomal abnormality or other disabling condition in the pregnancy. It would destroy my relationship with my parents if they found out we terminated for any reason. Should I wait to tell them until we confirm genetic testing? For reference, I’m 30, first pregnancy, and we have no family history or risk factors that we’re aware of. How would you handle it?

Edit: thank you all for your advice!!! I didn’t expect so many insightful responses. To my surprise, there was only one nasty comment accusing me of being a monster if I’m “okay with killing my child”, and to that I’d say, yes, yes I am! I still haven’t decided when I will tell my parents but I am now leaning towards telling them before the NIPT and telling them we had a miscarriage should anything happen and I know they would be supportive of a loss, they just don’t need to know why. I’m fairly close with them and ultimately don’t want to hide a whole pregnancy from them for the rest of my life.