How the FUCK are you guys controlling your anger?

Obviously BPD rage is something else entirely and we don't experience anger like most people do, but holy shit. I got upset over something minor (but ongoing, which is why it pisses me off so badly), and genuinely started seeing red, I was yelling - I still think I was justified in it and I'm still pissed off to the point of crying as I'm writing this - and genuinely started tweaking a little bit, I was hitting myself over the head repeatedly and grabbing massive chunks of hair and pulling, none actually came out but holy shit if it had I would've been FUCKED, they were large chunks. Then I just left the house and went for a walk to cool off because I was at the point of just grabbing anything I could and smashing it, or punching a hole in the wall or something. I don't know how to control this, and now I have a headache from crying so hard, pulling at my hair so much and punching myself in the head. This is an ongoing issue and I genuinely have no clue how to fix it, what are you guys doing?????? I'm seeing a psych but I'm only 3 sessions in, what do I do/how do I control this?

Edit: It probably doesn't help that I grew up in a hostile environment, my dad was ALWAYS angry and yelling and I inherited his anger, I have BPD and ADHD and I'm also currently about to start my period. Honestly the worst mix I'm about to fuckin lose it

Edit 2: I'm also not on any meds yet but I wouldn't be against it, but I don't have a psychiatrist only psychologist. I just need some tips for now

Edit 3: I'm trying my best to reply to everyone, sorry if I don't get to yours soon/at all, I promise I've read it there's just so many replies