Just wanted to toss this out there

Hello all, former medic here worked in Atlanta Ga and just saw a great post offering to pay for someone’s BC pills but I noticed the OP said Georgia had no Planned Parenthood, and we do have those resources and I’ve had to help people get help there before. You can find info at the official PPH site and just search for your area in GA or this link is a direct link to one of the centers down town. We do have a heavy focus on them being in ATL and larger metro areas but I do know several groups helping to expand that reach either by offering rides at no cost to from your closest with complete privacy and will match you with a driver of your preference. Please reach out here or DM if you need any specific info or advice. Spent 20 years working in prehospital care and a lot of that job is more case worker for low income and homeless population which honestly is what I think our EMS crews should be for when not on emergent calls. We did it to an extent like this and side effect was a lot less calls to 911 for things that were not quite emergent but people still needed help but needed to know where to get the help and sometimes a ride which I would do on my off days or if the truck was slow put um in the back and off we go.

Sorry that was a rant at the end but point is pleased don’t be afraid to ask for help or seek resources that are available. They are there for a reason and screw anyone who judges you for using them.

Link for PPH location in downtown ATL but you can find other locals there. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-center/georgia/atlanta/30316/east-atlanta-health-center-4286-90330