Is less invasive removal of Acanthomatous ameloblastoma tumor in lower canine better than removing jaw bone?

My 11 year old dog had a tumor biopsied in her lower jaw and it looks to be Acanthomatous ameloblastoma. The CT scan shows that the tumor has grown into her lower canine and to remove the entire tumor (with 3mm of margin) would mean that a portion of her jaw would need to be removed. This means her jaw would be split in 2 places and the stability of her jaw would be impacted.

The vet suggested our options are to 1) remove the entire tumor to ensure there's no regrowth. It is more invasive and her jaw would be split. In time, her jaw could split and eating could be impacted. But the hope is that my dog's body would figure it out and be able to compensate. 2) Cut away the tumor, but not to the margins, leaving a portion of her jaw intact. It is less invasive and healing quicker. The vet has done this surgery for 2 other dogs and after 1-2 years, the tumor has not regrown. There is of course more care, more frequent vet visits to make sure the tumor has not regrown. But the stability of her jaw will be intact.

Thought I knew what route to take (1). But not sure, since my dog is older, if we should go route 2 and if the tumor comes back (since it is benign), then to be able to catch it early and do chemo...Not sure. Hoping for advice. Thank you!


Species: Dog


Sex/Neuter status: Spayed

Breed: Pointer/Pit mix

Body weight: 60 lb

History: Hypothyroidism, no other major medical history

Clinical signs: Acanthomatous ameloblastoma in lower canine

Duration: * Your general location: PNW