Programmers of Reddit, What Developer Tools/Apps Should Everyone Know About?

Hey folks!

I’m curious—what are your go-to tools or apps that make programming easier or more enjoyable? Whether it’s something super niche or just a classic everyone should know, I’d love to hear about it. Even the “obvious” ones are welcome since newer devs might not know about them yet

Why I’m Asking:
I just started a newsletter for newer developers, and I include a “Helpful Programming Tool/App” in each issue. I’ve got a list of stuff I use and love, but I figured it’d be fun to hear from the community and maybe discover some hidden gems.

Here Are a Few I Love:
Git GUI: I know some devs will die on the "Terminal Only" hill, but I'm a big fan of Git GUIs like SourceTree or Fork. Especially when dealing with large projects with tons of branches
Color Picker: For anyone on the frontend, a solid color picker is a must (ColorSlurp is a solid choice)
iTerm (on Mac): If you use the terminal a lot, iTerm2 can be a nice terminal replacement
JSONLint: Making Json actually readable
RegExr: I feel like I only use Regex once or twice a year, so I always need a tool to help me format it haha