Your opinion on red pill?
My TikTok fyp and my YouTube feed is full of rock-climbing vlogs or gardening tips so I only recently came across this “subculture” and I was amazed to say the least! “High value Alpha dominant sigma king male” & “Submissive docile female”…. 😂😂😂 I cringed so hard I had to shut down my laptop. There are BDSM clubs nowadays dedicated to this kind of thing. Is this the appeal? The near obsession around dominance and power and respect that is bordering on worship feels way too kinky to be innocent. Are they all playing a character? Or do they seriously believe in what they’re saying?
Edit : these answers are genuinely lovely. It’s sad that young men’s suffering is being exploited for financial gain and creating a whole ideology that states that the poor man has “less value” than the rich man during a recession is one of those things that lands you straight to hell. The next person to say “it’s all men” I’ll redirect to this comment section! Thank you for being so decent