Forced to move - are we owed money?
My partner & I live in Mar Vista, and have been renting a townhouse inside of a community for almost a year (lease started 3/1/24). The owner owns just our townhouse and is a first-time landlord, and originally was excited for a longterm tenant. However on 1/6/25, they informed us that they will not be offering a lease renewal to go month-to-month, as they plan to sell the property. We were asked to be out by 3/1.
We liked this place but didn't love it, so we're extremely annoyed but not heartbroken. We are lining up another place, but the cost of moving twice in 2 years is significant and upsetting.
My partner's coworker who used to work for a housing attourney mentioned she is "99% sure that the landlord owes us a month's rent". Upon googling, it sounds like if you're evicted for a no-fault reason like this, you are owed relocation assistance. We've been reading up, but - does anyone know how to determine if this actually applies to us or not?
- no "lease termination due to sale" clause or reference in our lease
- UPDATE: my partner confirmed that we are RSO protected, but by the one that applies to properties older than 1978, and NOT the newer one that applies to newer buildings. He believes this means that our landlord simply can't ask us to leave at all (which they already did), but that we get no relocation assistance?
EDIT: To clarify, we don't think anything is unfair. But if we are entitled to compensation for something expensive that is already happening to us anyway, we'd like to be aware. Projecting anger or entitlement is inaccurate in this case.
We're also open to reasonably-priced recommendations of housing law practices that would offer single-session consulting to confirm.