Army vs. Navy OCS

Hi, I know no one can predict the future, just looking for general career advice from those in the know.

Been considering applying for an OCS for a while now. Trying to decide between Army or Navy OCS. I'm 24 years old. My main flaw in my application is a low GPA, 2.5. However, I believe myself to be an otherwise good candidate. I am very physically fit both strength wise and endurance wise, have good communication skills, attended a well ranked university, and I'm a good test taker so I think I would do fine on the OCS entrance tests. If it matters the low GPA was mostly due to spreading myself too thin with other clubs/activities on campus and just not prioritizing studying.

I'm interested in joining the Navy because I've been sailing since I was a kid. However, I hear the Army has more open positions, and I'm interested in the work they do as well, especially abroad since I studied IR. I don't want to go to the trouble to apply to one and get rejected, I want to get a move on with my life. Any tips on making this decision? Can I apply to both?