Why is my male mystery so horned up?

I got Reece (brown mystery snail), Huitlacoche (blue mystery snail), and Beet (magenta mystery snail) on Friday. I initially put Beet in a different tank since neither of my tanks are big enough for 3. Yesterday, I caught Reece making the snail with two shells with Huit.

I didn’t think this would happen for a while since Reece is the largest of them and is still very small; Huit and Beet’s shells are less than 1 inch long. I assumed they were too young to mate. I caught Reece at it again this morning and, concerned for Huit’s snaily holes, moved her to my other tank and switched Beet in. Not a few hours later do I find Reece at it again with Beet. I moved her back to the other tank, resolving that Reece is just too horned up to exist with other snails right now.

What’s up with Reece? Is he just a male snail doing what male snail do? Also, I was unaware of their sexes when I got them, but I saw the snenis on Reece so male confirmed. Is he just having sex with anything that moves, or can I take his horny behavior around Huit and Beet as confirmation that they are both female? If so, should I be expecting clutches? I tried researching how young mystery snails can have eggs, but got answers so varied that it proved unhelpful.