Help Diagnosing Cardinal Tetra illness
I bought 11 cardinal tetras a week ago, and currently in a Quarantine Tank (thank god) and today noticed a couple of them swimming erratically, and this one in the pictures is barely capable of swimming at all. I'm pretty sure it is on its way out, but I need to know what's going on, and what I should be treating the rest of them with so I don't lose them all. The 20 gallon QT tank parameters:
- Ammonia .25ppm (The tank had been cycled for a couple months, but this is the first time it has had fish in it in about a month, and there may have been some overfeeding while I was trying to learn how much food they'll need)
- Nitrites: 0
- Nitrates: 10ppm
I feel it is a fungal thing? I have Ich-X, Maracyn, and Paracleanse on hand for whatever it is, unless I need something else or more specific that I can run out and buy real quick.