Torn between two versions of my fic’s ending

I’m currently torn between choosing the direction my co-creator suggested and mine. The ending of my fic involves my protagonist revealing their secret reformed villain identity to their sibling, who is from the police. My version is to not get my protag arrested because “prison is the easy way out for you” and “you’re gonna need to repent with your actions rather than rotting in a jail cell”.

My co-creator, on the other hand, thinks the protag should be arrested because it would be more fitting to their arc, saying how he “despite being their brother, still killed people for his own gain” and “needs to undertake the consequences”.

The protag is a reformed villain who used to be an assassin for hire, and the whole fic kind of already wraps up their redemption arc fully, complete with ups and downs and twists and emotional high beats and a final fight sequence, this identity reveal is all in the epilogue.

I’m so torn between these two versions because to me both of them make sense, yet I lean more towards my more “idealistic” ending, while my co-creator wants it to be more rooted in reality. Any suggestions for which one to pick? Or if you could make a better version of the ending?

For a tiny bit of context, this fic’s set in a superhero universe, in a fix-it AU.

Any advice would help here, thanks!