Not using “major character death” warnings
I’m so sick of authors not tagging fics with “major character death”. I only read completed fics because I don’t want to get through a fanfic and find out a character I love died (I’m already scarred from previous reads, I don’t need more). I purposely exclude fics with “major character death” for a reason. My heart can’t handle that pain. I will ugly sob. I want the hurt/comfort, not hurt NO COMFORT BECAUSE THEY WERE KILLED OFF. I was reading a 100,000+ word story and I’m over halfway through when the author kills off a main character. I get not wanting to spoil the book, but come on. That’s just cruel. I rage quit the story because I was so mad and distraught.
EDIT: I do also exclude CNTW most of the time as well because I’ve learned my lesson the hard way with that