If 5 Year inflation is ‘officially’ something like 25% (in reality probably closer to 40%), and salaries have failed to increase as much, AITAH for not tipping 20% (hypothetically)?

Sorry if wrong flair, this is a hypothetical I have been thinking about. I have always tipped the expected 20% (USA); actually more than that since I usually double the tax, round up, and add a dollar. I rarely eat out, save once a week during lunch break. Since 2021, the cost of my favorite meal at my typical lunch spot has gone from like $15 to $23 due to inflation. Sure maybe owner greed as well, not trying to argue the why. So like 50% inflation on a pretty simple meal. My salary has gone up maybe 11% in the same time frame, i would think others who are in the same job as they were in 2021 are probably looking at a similar increase.

So, if the cost of my meal has gone up 50%, and I continue to tip 20%, theoretically (if everyone else does the same), we are paying to increase server’s salaries 50% at the expense of our own salaries that did not increase 50%.

So, if restaurants increase their prices, more than the official inflation rate, AITAH for tipping less?

Again, a hypothetical.

Edit due to comment: tax is 9.5% where I live