AITAH for being frustrated with this bike?
We have had a very hard year (like many) and this year my daughters were on the angel tree. They all three ended up being forgotten angels (where they are not chosen off the tree, just filled with whatever extras are on hand), which we are still grateful for obviously. None of them received their wishes (6yo wished for a yoto mini, almost 13yo wished for a rainbow high doll little and 12yo wished for a new bike, I’m not talking about gaming consoles and such) . Because my 12yo is autistic and doesn’t particularly enjoy Christmas usually, I tried to find a bike for her. I posted in my local BST / Free/neighborhood groups for a 24” gender neutral bike (hates purple and pink) . I had scrounged $30 to buy a used bike. Christmas Eve a lady who is friends with my sister messaged me and said she had “a brand new bike” for my daughter. Awesome! I was not expecting new, especially for a 24”, I can never even find them on clearance. I didn’t think to ask for photos because she had seen my post and I clarified what I was looking for in the message, gender neutral/24”/everything works bike, and was just grateful . My husband got home with it, and while getting the kids gifts out for the Santa surprise he brought the bike in. It is a 30” bike, purple (which would have been whatever) , chain rusted, tires flat, breaks are questionable… I still messaged her and thanked her, and obviously would not complain to her, but AITAH for not being very excited about this bike my kid can’t even ride? AITAH for not even giving it to my kid? It’s sitting behind the house for the next recycle day unless my dad can make it work for a local teen.