What are your game settings and why?

Apologies for formatting as I’m on mobile.

I’ve been playing this game on and off again with a few friends almost since the very beginning and every world we make we try and change up the settings to help deliver a new experience. New settings, maybe more or less mods etc.

This got me wondering how other players like to enjoy the game.

What settings do you play with? (XP, block damage, loot abundance, etc.)

Do you play solo? With friends? On a server? Do you host a server?

On top of this, please tell me WHY you use the settings that you do. It’s a sandbox game at the end of the day and I understand “because it’s fun” but I’m just hoping for a little more insight than that and maybe some ideas or reasons that I could incorporate into my own play.

If you take the time to answer this, thanks!