Possible Spellcaster Ideas?

Okay, so; I decided to repost this with a little more detail on a few things.

I'm looking for ideas/themes for a character since I'm not really sure what to play. I usually play something like a Cleric, Bard, or a Wizard. From these 3, I usually play: Twilight Cleric, Lore Bard, and Order of Scribes Wizard.

The races that I usually go for are: Tabaxi, Owlin, Aarakocra, or Fairy (but, I have used Sea Elf before for a Drakewarden Ranger). My 1st played character was a Tabaxi Twilight Cleric who was your typical 'I'm not gonna save all of my spell slots just to heal you because you did something dumb' type.

I like to stay away from the front-line fighting and just blast enemies from far away. I also like to have a little bit of healing for myself and others in the case of an emergency, such as an unlucky crit or a failed saving throw.

I just wanted to see if you guys had any ideas for anything fun that might fit what I'm comfortable/familiar with playing.

If you need any more info - feel free to ask!