Had some codpoints lying around and stumbled upon this event, figured I'd spin once and get some epic weapons but two legendary weapons for 15cp is hilarious
Yup, that's me, you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation, welp, my story begins two seasons ago...
Does anyone else think Safeguard is kind of ass?
(North american player) getting my weapon mastery badge is messing with my ms
When the game decides that you had enough wins for today.
dear codm release a mini update pls
is it possible to gain a gunship with just 11 kils and 5 deaths
As a casual player, I want to keep my streak alive while balancing my work-life commitments. Opinions??
Stun baton?
Oh well. Tried to be goofy for once.
Nuke them all!
Old post of mine, given recent events with bots, shall I recreate?
Bro these bots… wait for kill cam
what is the biggest map in multiplayer
So are we just gonna shut it and say nothing?
Domination in Ranked MP
All u guys including codm claimed everyone wanted control as a game mode
Bring back domination mode to ranked!
i think codm should add these
And you get a Martydom, and you get a Martydom, and you get a Martydom, and you get a
Trailer is out!!!
Do people hate the USS9?
What's your kill record in one round of legendary ranked DOM?
Quadra kill with a contact nade