How easy is it to get you to send a nude?
Is there a game like TABS but where you can actually command most of them instead of just controlling singular units?
where do you all piss?
where did it go
it's gone 😔
What happens when you put a sparkler through an egg...
i feel like apandah was a bit too experienced when talking with the ai
Anyone actually know what the name is supposed to be?
What's your most upvoted post (don't make me jealous /j)?
Has this ever happened to you?
1 SINGLE 9/11 documentary video i watched completely changed my feed to just straight recordings of terror attacks and murders
Which one of y'all is making these low quality Roblox Kanye videos?? 😭😭
If our body parts were detachable, where would you place each part?
Jschlut will gonna be pissed...
My normal room : )
petition to spray kanye with water every time he says something like this again
petition to spray kanye with water every time he says something like this
it’s me large guy
Worked on this video for like 2 weeks, Made a good thumbnail, Plus my competition is setting the bar low (the topic) I was dissapointed for a while that i only got 30 views but then randomly at school i saw 600 views right there.
What did he mean by this?
SDP Base Edit