After 3 years of Laser Tattoo Removal, I Finally Have a Ship Date
3 Years and 32 Sessions Later; Calling it Good.
Dobby is Free
My experience in the Army
Any recommendations on where to start my removal journey in Dallas, TX?
Help us, Daniel.
Yeezy boots authorized?
Army shipper
He should be a comedian, he’s been making me laugh all off-season
I’m so tired of living in the barracks. I think I’m gonna marry a sheep…
Hurry and order for a Cowboys fan in your life!
Zing 🔥
Alternate reality
No matter how hard they try theyll never be able to replicate our success
Crying Cowboy Collage
Dallas fans know how to spend their money properly
Beagles Fans After Barely Beating the 5-9 Giants
Vengeance is Sweet
Please Don't Tell Them
NFC Least Baby
Has anyone else heard the Dak Prescott cheating rumors?
this has been my sole obsession for the past three weeks.
Fame > Victory