Sri Lankan Sinhalese results (IllustrativeDNA, Harappa world, Ancestry)
Results and face
11th century royal proclemation by King Vijayabahu of Sri Lanka after expelling the island of Cholas.
Aryanisation of Western India and Sri Lanka
Lost wallet AC 223
100% Ashkenazi Jew
100% Ashkenazi - how come it doesn’t show the full journey and why does it constantly change
BIOB32 or BIOB33 which one is more manageable?
Sri Lankan Sinhalese results
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looking at my illustrative dna results where do you think i’m from (included a pic of me and mom)
tips for chma11 i heard a lot of people do bad in this course
Has anyone taken BIOC21 before?
The heir to the throne currently
Queens decisions
Is it just me that hates using the All gender washrooms?
Sri Lankan born with Malay ancestry
The Houses of Vijayabahu and Kalinga Family Tree
Why are Muslims in the Middle East more Mixed than Christians?
Any insights on this DNA result?
Update for South Asians is awesome
Updated AncestryDNA regions
Why has Sri Lanka never been unified with mainland India in history?