He’s in Heaven 🥰
Did your life flash before your eyes?
Neigh-ver thought I’d see a horse making snow angels…
Idk who she is but dang she's good. Random lady skates down and hill backwards!🤯
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?
Just trippin'
Illegally Smol Doggo
Why does this wall clock say quartz? Are there automatic wall clocks???
Full commitment from this guy
Milo and his fireplace
Stand by for death
Wunks full of ANGER
Wait, I have it here in my fridge😃
of a hamster's cheek, holding all those nuts
27 m straight - what should I do with this weird spot near the ceiling?
Just glad the idiot didn’t harm other drivers
How come Count Dooku is (was) so wealthy?
she was running for her life 😂
Print your boarding pass and meet airport, OK!
Trying to hug a seal
Shines with happiness
Snake charmer
Testing your mortality with totally sick wheelies.
Loblaws and othere charging for playic packaging at meat prices. Complain to CFIA!
i did the piracy, no megathread needed
Curious kitties intrigued by cd player opening