MY Sister is getting back to her toxic ex what should I do?
How do you keep your nail clippings from getting everywhere?
Lion's reaction to seeing her rescuer, who helped raise her as a cub❤️
To the lucky redditors, how and where did you meet your partner for the first time?
My boy Bear
Still picky as a single 50s woman :(
AIO: Called the police after an Amazon Driver left me this note.
5 month old boxer has lost 3 teeth in one day. Normal?
AIO for wanting a divorce after my husband blew off celebrating my 40th birthday?
Happy 1st Birthday to Kevin!
Older women Vs. Younger women in an office setting
Just got engaged!
It gets better, I promise
Am I[36F] in a psychologically abusive relationship with my boyfriend[39M]?
My (28F) best friend (29F) keeps inadvertently called me her ugliest bridesmaid and now I don’t know how to feel about our friendship
Damn, I had a horrible day at school- OMG MY BOY IS WAITING FOR ME!!!!
People whose children age 30+ are still living with them, are you ok with that?
Why is life tough for most people?
My meathead as a pup.
Should I keep waiting
How does anyone do this?
What’s the most controversial opinion you have that you’re afraid to say out loud?
A month ago today, my 3 year old almost died. Still recovering, and just want to share our story.
My girlfriend (27f) is expecting her name on the deed to a house that I (28m) will be using my money to buy?
When did you neuter your boxer?