What is something wonderful that was lost to time, but young people don’t realize they’re missing it?
How did you start to love yourself?
Why does it bother me so much when straight women say stuff like “I wish I was gay, it would be so much easier to date girls”?
Recommendations for a 18- year- old autistic woman about dating
curious what you guys think about the giver/taker conversation personalities mentioned in this article.
I'm almost convinced that the brains of NT's can somehow talk to each other.
Permanent places in your dream world.
Do you sometimes question if your diagnosis is correct?
what common qualities and characteristics do you find in people you respect?
what common qualities, actions, or characteristics do you find in people who you respect?
how and when do you experience the feeling of contempt?
It’s finally happening
Have any of you given up on being social? / what was your experience in becoming a "lone wolf"?
8-bit style Utena that I made on Microsoft Paint
The only thing about me is "I have a real bad temper"
Tolerance to shrooms?
I don't know what neurodivergent person needs to hear this...
Carpentry/woodworking in Minneapolis?