Mod Announcement *Important*
I just wanna smoke weed all day and lay down and play fornite
Unpopular opinion: Uzumaki is the best Ito adaptation
what i asked vs what i got
Patch style Mario tattoo from Duda Lozano in Barcelona
Cat walking backwards — seeing things?
Apparently people don’t know Caitlyn is Asian???
For those who still work - how many hours?
The cast of Stranger Things at the season 5 wrap party
This is... a choice?
This outwardly aggressive "Taytoo" someone got
"Children had received prescriptions after filling out online questionnaires and having one brief Zoom call" - really?
"The perch" by Ferenc Banu at True Solution Tattoo, Budapest, original art by Gerald Brom
i’ve started to be afraid of my own snake
Shoe shopping and testosterone
There is no "gross" food prep feeling when vegan
I'm 32 years old, never had a significant other, this game finally made me feel what falling in love feels like.
they are breaking my immersion 😭
20 years old never worked before and still living with parents
How tf do you make friends as an adult when you hate talking to people lol
Hysto surgeons who will accept GP referrals?
Why is it still named perverts?
Arise, army of self-hating neurodivergent commenters, and agree that your entire lives are an unmitigated tragedy!
People who treat their mental disorders like they're a quirky personality trait.
found this comment on pinterest LOL