How do you know, as a person with cPTSD, that you have romantic feelings for someone?
someone post merch pls!
ISO 12/30 Sinclair tickets :)
Taylor’s speech before the first surprise song tonight
How can i be a good Friend/Spouse to someone with CPTSD?
I should be happy, but I'm ending it tonight
Who even am I, and what do I want?
DAE feel like the universe hates you
Daily Smoker Who Quits Every Morning...
Does the brain dead feeling ever go away?
Seeing my mom sober for the first time
Relapsed into carts
I applied to 17 jobs today.
Started a new job and the Type-A in me just can't anymore
On day 7, I’m throwing up every meal I eat. This is not worth it
i need a reason, any reason, not to take my life tonight
Just a 2022 grad still grateful she dropped honors <3
Hassan presses Bolduc on abortion, as national ban is proposed by GOP senator | New Hampshire Public Radio
Is it now safe to say the free state movement is about making things not work and then using that same thing as an example of how things don’t work?
My artwork for Brewista is at the Coffee Expo in Boston!
Dropping Honors
Leftover confetti in Boston
Come join 'Rest is Revolution's free wellness/meditation sessions!
Two Friends
"You know what I just realized? Earl gray tastes like Froot Loops. Are Froot Loops modeled after earl grey tea?"