AITA for getting my girlfriend a birthday gift she hates?
AIO for feeling like I was bullied at lunch today by my husband and MIL?
All you need is a hug
AIO for not wanting to accept my bfs requests and wishes regarding my desires in this life
AITA for "having an intervention" about my husband's parenting
Wednesday Wishes. Please place a wish that you want to be delivered, and who you want it to go out to. This is for smaller stuff than the big Sunday Spell. This will run each Wednesday.
AITA for telling my coworker he should teach his daughter tact?
Why does she hate her community so much?
Please roast my derpy best friend
I call this absolute BS
Question from a new fan
AITA for breaking up with my girlfriend because of her religion?
Washing the tip of the tail
The Sunday Spell. This post is a spell. Put something into the comments that you want to occur. All who read that can then lend their energy to making that a reality. Lets all join forces for each other. Time to bend the Universe a little.
AITA Wife wants to travel without luggage for valentines, I do not.
AITAH for wanting to put stickers on a water bottle I was gifted ?
AITAH for ruining the 'mystery neighbor' game my apartment complex plays
Familiar Friday. Please share pictures of your magical friends. New picture of Mau Mau. TREATS. MAU WANT TREATS! I am thrilled when she has a good appetite. Blessings to all of your magical family.
Working backwards
did the new characters kill the chemistry?
How do you practice when you're too tired?
candle size
Banishing spell
Skipped episodes