DnB Production Feedback Thread
New atmospheric dnb track, let me know your thoughts!
Newbie producer, just made my first tune 🙏🏼
Mostly been learning how to prod liquid, thought I'd give something a bit more heavy / Dubsteppy a try
Rookie producer sharing my first track, feedback welcome 🙏🏼
How much cheaper is training gear in Thailand?
Question for people that train at Marcelo Garcia's in NYC
Fake 👏 BUSKERS 👏
Playing a mp4 on a material
What is the weirdest thing your partner does?
Is finishing the RNC on the chin a dick move?
My rating since a head injury in August
Looking for hard to read books ?
BJJ academies in Mauritius? 🇲🇺
Is 35 too old to start?
I’ve noticed these popping up around London. What are they?
How do I warp this image to fit the object beneath? (I'm a true beginner)
Object made out of splines!
ChatGPT + AE = Gamechanger
Blender 3.4 smoke - CyclesX rendered
LUTs distorts the mask!
Who’s your favorite rolling partner and why?
Therapy or BJJ?
I made this (100% CG) Tea Party scene for Lidl GB x Queens Jubilee
What is this for? Never seen before, Google Street View: https://www.google.com/maps/@51.4692115,-0.1542505,3a,75y,271.54h,78.46t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sWn1kdiqQiV17ErMin9vzuA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192