What word does Trippie say the most in his songs?
Am I the only one who noticed trippie lost hella followers?
What's yall fav trippie beat ? Only released!!!!
A little late but give honest opinions
What’s your HOT take 10/10 album?
Day 4 of Getting Every US County from Comments
is this even trippie on the cover 😭
please help easy quick fix
please help
Didn't know Swag like Ohio Pt. 2 was in NBA 2K23?
Quick, Comment! Then read "the funny"
omw to an 8am
Are these sweat pants rare?
I like the shots when he wears a mask, but what the fuck is up with those gloves.
Voodoo child
The only valid top 50 uzi leaks list you‘ll ever see 💯
I got a 1400 on the PSAT!
Planet 5 on apple music has a better trippie album than trippie has posted in the last 2 years
Mario specials rework idea feedback is welcome
What song is it?
my ratings for the album(not in any order)
some art i made in free form on my ipad