Color on the alternanthera is insane
New 29 Gallon BETTA Community tank (first time fish keeper)
Literature / hand-out recs? Context in comment
The eldritch horror I woke up to this morning
My lonley pygmy corydora
Help this puffer
Is it a good idea?
Can anyone ID this puffer?
Rearranged my tank :)
How do people teach their betta tricks?
First tank is 1.5 months old!
Snuggled up
Vertical Otos
Hiding spots
How to shop for a therapist
Oto on bubbler
Mixing Corydoras
Hope you enjoy this. I tried my best! These were the first 5 posted. Will do more later. I know they aren't great I'm a beginner
One of my corys died :(
Anyone want me to draw their betta?
Rehome take-in
Snail shell i need fixed
i need advice
I was trimming my hydrocotyle when all of a sudden....