Shipment from USA
The reality of crypto .I scanned nearly a 100 coins today and only 2 of them happened not to be a rug .
Any 30+% discounts for Certified Kubernetes Administrator?
Misplaced Objejcts Help
Feeling homesick, shawarma suggestions?
What does TRANS mean? And how to get rid of it
How to send TRC20 USDT
Parking in Cyprus
Communication at its finest.
You can now check for pending citations/fines
Is it normal that Cypriots speak to me in English when I try to speak Greek?
**Help** need step by step kubernetes build on a budget
not able to install k8s in ubuntu 2204.
Problems with music - volume doesnt change. More people with this problem?
Welcome to me exercising ITM calls for clients
Having Trouble Using Dbeaver
Help me please to find this place
IPTV with Cyprus free channels catch up...
What will this code do?
Ingress without LB(On-Premise)
First Pancetta
Revolut has been taking my money for a while without me noticing .
Don’t rely on streaming services. Periodt.
Flannel vs Calico
Which tools you adopted for Kubernetes management in 2024? Share your experience with those tools.
Need a help with strange bills